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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cancer and the Causes

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a cell that have lost normal control mechanisms and, so that the growth is not regular. Cancer can occur from various networks in various organs. In line with the growth and development, cancer cells form a mass network of violent to infiltrate the network in the neighborhood and can spread (Metastasis) to all body. Cancer cells formed from normal cells in a complex process called transformation, which consists of the initiation and promotion.

In a process where a normal cell into a malignant cell, in the DNA from the cells will change. Changes in materials genetic cells are often hard to find, but the occurrence of cancer can sometimes known of the existence of a change in size or shape from one
particular chromosome. For example, an abnormal chromosome called chromosome Philadelphia found on about 80% of leukemia mielositik chronicles. Genetic changes have also been found in a brain tumor and colon cancer, breast, lung and bone.

Then the light changes in the DNA easier terbentuknya adenoma (benign tumor). Other genes (onkogen RAS) the adenoma grows more active. Loss press genes in chromosome 18 will then be stimulated and the adenoma the loss of genes on chromosome 17 will alter the benign adenoma into cancer. Additional changes can cause cancer to spread wide whole body (metastase).

Causes of cancer risk factors

A set of genetic and environmental factors increase the risk of a cancer.

One of the family history is important. Some families have a higher risk of suffering from cancer for a certain when compared with other families. For example, the risk for women
suffering from breast cancer increased by 1,5-3 times if his mother or brother daughter suffering from breast cancer.

A number of environmental factors increase the risk of cancer occurrence. One of the most important is cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking increase the risk of the occurrence of lung cancer, mouth, laring (soundtrack), and bladder.

Long-term exposure to ionization radiation affect someone suffering from cancer to blood cells, including acute leukemia.

Food is another important risk factor for cancer, especially cancer in the alimentary tract.
High-fiber diet reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of colon cancer. Diet a food that contains lots of smoked and pickled (in the form of a pickle) increase the risk of the occurrence of stomach cancer. Reduce fat to less than 30% of total calories, will reduce the risk of the occurrence of bowel cancer big, breast and protat.

Drinker of alcohol have a higher risk of cancer occurrence esophagus.

The occurrence of cancer risk also vary based on where someone lives. Risk of the occurrence of colon cancer and breast in Japan is low, but this increased risk in people who live in Japan and the United States will ultimately have the same risk with a population the size of the United States another. Japanese people have a number of stomach cancer incidence is very high; but in Japan people are born in the United States this figure is lower. Variations geographic risk of cancer in this presumably involves many factors, namely combination of genetic, environmental and food.

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