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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Symptoms of cancer and brain tumor

In general the brain divided into three parts, namely large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum), and brain stem (brain stem). Each part divided into sections of smaller parts and each has a different function . As part of the body of another, can be affected by brain tumor or cancer. The difference, if the body part other benign tumor does not interfere with and sometimes not dangerous, in the benign brain tumor can disrupt and endanger the very nyawa.Banyaknya part of the brain function of the body have different make brain tumor and cancer have symptoms that is vary . Symptoms appear is highly dependent on the brain where the tumor appears.

General Symptoms Serebral

Mental changes can be a lightweight (psikomotor asthenia), which can be perceived by people close to the family of: huffy, emotional, unstable, forgetful, mental retardation, and social activities, loss of initiative and spontaneity, may be found ansietas and depression. Symptoms of this progressive and can be run found in 2 / 3 cases.

Head aches

An estimated 1% of head pain is the brain tumor and 30% of brain tumor early symptoms are sore head. While the symptoms of information found 70% of cases. The nature of pain varies from light to heavy and episodik and pulse, usually gain weight in the night and sleep during the morning and wake up in the situation where high-pressure elevation occurred intrakranial. There is a painful headache with asthenia need psikomotor suspected brain tumor.


There are on 30% of cases and generally meyertai sore head. More often found in the tumor in the posterior fossa, usually vomiting and projectile are not accompanied by nausea.


Production strain can be an early symptom of brain tumor in 25% of cases, and more than 35% of cases go to the stadium. An estimated 2% of production is a strain brain tumor.
Please suspected cause of a strain generation is when the brain tumor:
- Production strain was first at the age of more than 25 years
- Having iktal post paralisis
- Having the status of epilepsy
- Resistant to epilepsy drugs
- Production accompanied with symptoms of high pressure intrakranial others.
Production strain found in 70% of brain tumor in korteks, 50% of patients with astrositoma, 40% of meningioma patients, and 25% in glioblastoma.

High Pressure Symptoms Intrakranial (TTIK)

A complaint of pain in the frontal and oksipital that arise in the morning and evening, projectile vomiting and a decrease in awareness. On examination found papil udem. These conditions need immediate action at any time because of the threat can arise herniasi. In addition to found parese N. VI due teregangnya by TTIK N. VI. Tumor-tumor symptoms which often provide TTIK without symptoms fokal and lateralisasi is meduloblatoma, spendimoma from ventrikel III, haemangioblastoma serebelum, and craniopharingioma.

In addition to the above general symptoms have specific symptoms based on the location and function of the brain are attacked. Among others:

Tumor on the frontal Lobus:
- Changes in behavior and personality
- A decrease in the ability to assess
- Decrease power smell
- Decrease power remember
- Paralysis on one side body
- The decline in mental function / cognitive
- A decrease in vision and eye nerve inflammation

Tumor Parietal on Lobus:
- A decrease in the ability to speak
- Can not write
- Not able to identify someone
- Strain-strain

Tumor on Lobus Oksipital:
- Loss of vision in one or both eyes
- Strain-strain

Tumor on Lobus Temporal:
- A decrease in the ability to speak
- Strain-strain
- Sometimes no symptoms at all

Fosa posterior to the tumor:
- Running Disorders
- Sore head
- Vomiting

Tumor on Cerebello Pontin Angie:
- Disturbance hearing

Trunk brain tumor on:
- Changes in behavior and emotional (more sensitive, easily offended)
- It's hard to speak and swallow
- Nod
- Pain Management head, especially in the morning
- Hearing loss
- The weakness of the nerve on one side face
- The weakness of the nerve on one side body
- Movement is not controlled
- Loss of vision, close the lid, cast, etc..
- Vomiting

Tumor in the brain membrane:
- Pain Management head
- Hearing loss
- Disturbance talk
- Inkontinensi (not able to control the waste water a small / large)
- Emotional and mental Disorders (apathetic, anarchist, etc.)
- Prolonged slumber
- Strain-strain
- Loss of vision

Tumor on the Pituitary gland:
- Does not menstruate (amenorrhea)
- Producing milk water
- Impotensi

Tumor on Hipotalamus:
- Disturbances in the sexual development of children
- Dwarf
- Does not menstruate (amenorrhea)
- Disturbance fluid and electrolyte

Tumor on Ventrikel:
- Hidrosefalus
- Neck stiff
- Head miring
- The sudden pain
- Blurred vision
- The decline in awareness

Although the experience of one or more symptoms, such as the above only, not someone have a brain tumor or cancer. Needs to be done to ensure direct examination by a specialist doctor (surgical) and nerve examination continued as CT scan, MRI, angiogram, myelogram, Spinal tap, and biopsy. - source :

Cancer and the symptoms that often occur in children

The last few years, more and more recorded cases of cancer in children. but certainly not known what causes cancer in children. Cancer that attacks since the baby was born, it is alleged irregularities cell growth due to genetic defects in the womb. In children is greater, is suspected of pemicunya environmental factors and children's food is not healthy. Can be also due to virus infection or radiation. Or blend between genetic factors, environment, radiation, and infection.

cases of cancer that most often found in children is a blood cancer or leukemia (25-30%), followed by retinoblastoma (eye cancer retina), limfoma (lymph gland cancer), neuroblastoma (nerve cancer), kidney cancer (Wilms tumor ), rabdomiosarkoma (lurik muscle cancer), and osteosarkoma (bone cancer).

As with adults, cancer in children most likely to be cured if found early in the stadium. But early detection of cancer to children is not easy, because children can not understand the symptoms and told dirasakannya. Therefore, the role of people in the surrounding areas are very important in detecting the symptoms of cancer.

symptoms of cancer is often the case, taken from several sources are:

Blood cancer (leukemia)

Symptoms are often found in leukemia, among others, face pale, listless, weak, fever is not clear and is not cured by antibiotics, the bleeding is not clear, the surface skin appear livid livid when not collide, painful movement members (bones), stomach swollen / hard, lymph gland enlargement.

Brain cancer

Symptoms that often happens is a headache the longer the heavy, accompanied by nausea and vomiting due to the pressure hose from the increase in the head. Can also talk with interference, vision disturbances, balance disturbances, convulsions, decrease awareness, and even changes in behavior can occur. Special features on the baby head is the top appear prominent.

Retina Eye Cancer (Retinoblastoma)

Cancer is most often attacked babies aged 6 months-2 years. Symptoms that often happens is The speck of white in the middle of the eye that seems wrong when the light is shining (like cat's eyes). Other symptoms is delayed vision, suddenly cast in, and at the stadium go eyeball protruding out.

Cancer lymph nodes (Limfoma Maligna)

Cancer is the most children age 5-7 years. Symptoms are often found when there is a progressive gland swelling lymph-gland in the neck, axilla, and the intestine, without the inflammation and pain. When you arise in the lymph gland in the intestine, can cause the intestine sumbatan with symptoms of stomachache, vomiting, unable to defecate, and fever. When grown in the chest, can encourage the breath or pressing the channel, so that the patient experienced shortness of breath and face turn. In addition, children appear weak, listless, and decreased appetite.

Saraf cancer (Neuroblastoma)

Cancer simpatis this nerve can occur in different parts of the body. In the children most often occur near the kidneys, the lumbar region, in the neck or chest cavity, and eyes. If there are areas in the eye, can make the ball protruding eyes, eyelid swelling and blue, or the lid down, and the pupil broad. When found in the spine, can press spinal cord and cause paralysis that quickly. Distribution of the bones can cause a fracture without reason, without pain, so people suddenly limp. Other symptoms appear is the bulge-bulge in the head, stomach or belly and hard.

Kidney cancer (Nefroblastoma)

Nefroblastoma often called Wilms Tumor is the most children aged 3-4 years, but can also attack the new born baby. Symptoms marked with bloody urine, malaise in the stomach, and when the stomach is quite large and appear to swell teraba hard.

Muscle cancer (Rabdomiosarkoma)

Cancer can strike anywhere in the muscles, usually in children in the area of the head, neck, bladder, prostat, and vagina. Symptoms depend on the location of the cause. In the eye socket, can cause eye out prominent, in the eyes bulge. In the ear causing pain or discharge of blood from the ear hole. Channel in the urine cause interference berkemih. If the muscle to move, cause swelling.

Cancer dislocated (Osteosarkoma)

Osteosarkoma usually attack children aged 10-20 years. Can attack every part of the bones, but most are found in the leg, arm and waist. Usually marked by pain and swelling on the bone. Sometimes caused by a concussion, such as the fall of the causes are not clear.

If you find symptoms like the above on the baby and your children, consult the doctor immediately. Treated in essentially the same as the adults, the combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplants.

Are prevention efforts that can be done is, pregnant mothers should avoid radiation, avoid pollution and cigarette smoke, always eat healthy foods and avoid foods that contain chemicals, a reduced consumption of fat, and get the children to live healthy, eat healthy food, protection from pollution.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cancer and the Causes

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a cell that have lost normal control mechanisms and, so that the growth is not regular. Cancer can occur from various networks in various organs. In line with the growth and development, cancer cells form a mass network of violent to infiltrate the network in the neighborhood and can spread (Metastasis) to all body. Cancer cells formed from normal cells in a complex process called transformation, which consists of the initiation and promotion.

In a process where a normal cell into a malignant cell, in the DNA from the cells will change. Changes in materials genetic cells are often hard to find, but the occurrence of cancer can sometimes known of the existence of a change in size or shape from one
particular chromosome. For example, an abnormal chromosome called chromosome Philadelphia found on about 80% of leukemia mielositik chronicles. Genetic changes have also been found in a brain tumor and colon cancer, breast, lung and bone.

Then the light changes in the DNA easier terbentuknya adenoma (benign tumor). Other genes (onkogen RAS) the adenoma grows more active. Loss press genes in chromosome 18 will then be stimulated and the adenoma the loss of genes on chromosome 17 will alter the benign adenoma into cancer. Additional changes can cause cancer to spread wide whole body (metastase).

Causes of cancer risk factors

A set of genetic and environmental factors increase the risk of a cancer.

One of the family history is important. Some families have a higher risk of suffering from cancer for a certain when compared with other families. For example, the risk for women
suffering from breast cancer increased by 1,5-3 times if his mother or brother daughter suffering from breast cancer.

A number of environmental factors increase the risk of cancer occurrence. One of the most important is cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking increase the risk of the occurrence of lung cancer, mouth, laring (soundtrack), and bladder.

Long-term exposure to ionization radiation affect someone suffering from cancer to blood cells, including acute leukemia.

Food is another important risk factor for cancer, especially cancer in the alimentary tract.
High-fiber diet reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of colon cancer. Diet a food that contains lots of smoked and pickled (in the form of a pickle) increase the risk of the occurrence of stomach cancer. Reduce fat to less than 30% of total calories, will reduce the risk of the occurrence of bowel cancer big, breast and protat.

Drinker of alcohol have a higher risk of cancer occurrence esophagus.

The occurrence of cancer risk also vary based on where someone lives. Risk of the occurrence of colon cancer and breast in Japan is low, but this increased risk in people who live in Japan and the United States will ultimately have the same risk with a population the size of the United States another. Japanese people have a number of stomach cancer incidence is very high; but in Japan people are born in the United States this figure is lower. Variations geographic risk of cancer in this presumably involves many factors, namely combination of genetic, environmental and food.