In general the brain divided into three parts, namely large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum), and brain stem (brain stem). Each part divided into sections of smaller parts and each has a different function . As part of the body of another, can be affected by brain tumor or cancer. The difference, if the body part other benign tumor does not interfere with and sometimes not dangerous, in the benign brain tumor can disrupt and endanger the very nyawa.Banyaknya part of the brain function of the body have different make brain tumor and cancer have symptoms that is vary . Symptoms appear is highly dependent on the brain where the tumor appears.
General Symptoms Serebral
Mental changes can be a lightweight (psikomotor asthenia), which can be perceived by people close to the family of: huffy, emotional, unstable, forgetful, mental retardation, and social activities, loss of initiative and spontaneity, may be found ansietas and depression. Symptoms of this progressive and can be run found in 2 / 3 cases.
Head aches
An estimated 1% of head pain is the brain tumor and 30% of brain tumor early symptoms are sore head. While the symptoms of information found 70% of cases. The nature of pain varies from light to heavy and episodik and pulse, usually gain weight in the night and sleep during the morning and wake up in the situation where high-pressure elevation occurred intrakranial. There is a painful headache with asthenia need psikomotor suspected brain tumor.
There are on 30% of cases and generally meyertai sore head. More often found in the tumor in the posterior fossa, usually vomiting and projectile are not accompanied by nausea.
Production strain can be an early symptom of brain tumor in 25% of cases, and more than 35% of cases go to the stadium. An estimated 2% of production is a strain brain tumor.
Please suspected cause of a strain generation is when the brain tumor:
- Production strain was first at the age of more than 25 years
- Having iktal post paralisis
- Having the status of epilepsy
- Resistant to epilepsy drugs
- Production accompanied with symptoms of high pressure intrakranial others.
Production strain found in 70% of brain tumor in korteks, 50% of patients with astrositoma, 40% of meningioma patients, and 25% in glioblastoma.
High Pressure Symptoms Intrakranial (TTIK)
A complaint of pain in the frontal and oksipital that arise in the morning and evening, projectile vomiting and a decrease in awareness. On examination found papil udem. These conditions need immediate action at any time because of the threat can arise herniasi. In addition to found parese N. VI due teregangnya by TTIK N. VI. Tumor-tumor symptoms which often provide TTIK without symptoms fokal and lateralisasi is meduloblatoma, spendimoma from ventrikel III, haemangioblastoma serebelum, and craniopharingioma.
In addition to the above general symptoms have specific symptoms based on the location and function of the brain are attacked. Among others:
Tumor on the frontal Lobus:
- Changes in behavior and personality
- A decrease in the ability to assess
- Decrease power smell
- Decrease power remember
- Paralysis on one side body
- The decline in mental function / cognitive
- A decrease in vision and eye nerve inflammation
Tumor Parietal on Lobus:
- A decrease in the ability to speak
- Can not write
- Not able to identify someone
- Strain-strain
Tumor on Lobus Oksipital:
- Loss of vision in one or both eyes
- Strain-strain
Tumor on Lobus Temporal:
- A decrease in the ability to speak
- Strain-strain
- Sometimes no symptoms at all
Fosa posterior to the tumor:
- Running Disorders
- Sore head
- Vomiting
Tumor on Cerebello Pontin Angie:
- Disturbance hearing
Trunk brain tumor on:
- Changes in behavior and emotional (more sensitive, easily offended)
- It's hard to speak and swallow
- Nod
- Pain Management head, especially in the morning
- Hearing loss
- The weakness of the nerve on one side face
- The weakness of the nerve on one side body
- Movement is not controlled
- Loss of vision, close the lid, cast, etc..
- Vomiting
Tumor in the brain membrane:
- Pain Management head
- Hearing loss
- Disturbance talk
- Inkontinensi (not able to control the waste water a small / large)
- Emotional and mental Disorders (apathetic, anarchist, etc.)
- Prolonged slumber
- Strain-strain
- Loss of vision
Tumor on the Pituitary gland:
- Does not menstruate (amenorrhea)
- Producing milk water
- Impotensi
Tumor on Hipotalamus:
- Disturbances in the sexual development of children
- Dwarf
- Does not menstruate (amenorrhea)
- Disturbance fluid and electrolyte
Tumor on Ventrikel:
- Hidrosefalus
- Neck stiff
- Head miring
- The sudden pain
- Blurred vision
- The decline in awareness
Although the experience of one or more symptoms, such as the above only, not someone have a brain tumor or cancer. Needs to be done to ensure direct examination by a specialist doctor (surgical) and nerve examination continued as CT scan, MRI, angiogram, myelogram, Spinal tap, and biopsy. - source :
General Symptoms Serebral
Mental changes can be a lightweight (psikomotor asthenia), which can be perceived by people close to the family of: huffy, emotional, unstable, forgetful, mental retardation, and social activities, loss of initiative and spontaneity, may be found ansietas and depression. Symptoms of this progressive and can be run found in 2 / 3 cases.
Head aches
An estimated 1% of head pain is the brain tumor and 30% of brain tumor early symptoms are sore head. While the symptoms of information found 70% of cases. The nature of pain varies from light to heavy and episodik and pulse, usually gain weight in the night and sleep during the morning and wake up in the situation where high-pressure elevation occurred intrakranial. There is a painful headache with asthenia need psikomotor suspected brain tumor.
There are on 30% of cases and generally meyertai sore head. More often found in the tumor in the posterior fossa, usually vomiting and projectile are not accompanied by nausea.
Production strain can be an early symptom of brain tumor in 25% of cases, and more than 35% of cases go to the stadium. An estimated 2% of production is a strain brain tumor.
Please suspected cause of a strain generation is when the brain tumor:
- Production strain was first at the age of more than 25 years
- Having iktal post paralisis
- Having the status of epilepsy
- Resistant to epilepsy drugs
- Production accompanied with symptoms of high pressure intrakranial others.
Production strain found in 70% of brain tumor in korteks, 50% of patients with astrositoma, 40% of meningioma patients, and 25% in glioblastoma.
High Pressure Symptoms Intrakranial (TTIK)
A complaint of pain in the frontal and oksipital that arise in the morning and evening, projectile vomiting and a decrease in awareness. On examination found papil udem. These conditions need immediate action at any time because of the threat can arise herniasi. In addition to found parese N. VI due teregangnya by TTIK N. VI. Tumor-tumor symptoms which often provide TTIK without symptoms fokal and lateralisasi is meduloblatoma, spendimoma from ventrikel III, haemangioblastoma serebelum, and craniopharingioma.
In addition to the above general symptoms have specific symptoms based on the location and function of the brain are attacked. Among others:
Tumor on the frontal Lobus:
- Changes in behavior and personality
- A decrease in the ability to assess
- Decrease power smell
- Decrease power remember
- Paralysis on one side body
- The decline in mental function / cognitive
- A decrease in vision and eye nerve inflammation
Tumor Parietal on Lobus:
- A decrease in the ability to speak
- Can not write
- Not able to identify someone
- Strain-strain
Tumor on Lobus Oksipital:
- Loss of vision in one or both eyes
- Strain-strain
Tumor on Lobus Temporal:
- A decrease in the ability to speak
- Strain-strain
- Sometimes no symptoms at all
Fosa posterior to the tumor:
- Running Disorders
- Sore head
- Vomiting
Tumor on Cerebello Pontin Angie:
- Disturbance hearing
Trunk brain tumor on:
- Changes in behavior and emotional (more sensitive, easily offended)
- It's hard to speak and swallow
- Nod
- Pain Management head, especially in the morning
- Hearing loss
- The weakness of the nerve on one side face
- The weakness of the nerve on one side body
- Movement is not controlled
- Loss of vision, close the lid, cast, etc..
- Vomiting
Tumor in the brain membrane:
- Pain Management head
- Hearing loss
- Disturbance talk
- Inkontinensi (not able to control the waste water a small / large)
- Emotional and mental Disorders (apathetic, anarchist, etc.)
- Prolonged slumber
- Strain-strain
- Loss of vision
Tumor on the Pituitary gland:
- Does not menstruate (amenorrhea)
- Producing milk water
- Impotensi
Tumor on Hipotalamus:
- Disturbances in the sexual development of children
- Dwarf
- Does not menstruate (amenorrhea)
- Disturbance fluid and electrolyte
Tumor on Ventrikel:
- Hidrosefalus
- Neck stiff
- Head miring
- The sudden pain
- Blurred vision
- The decline in awareness
Although the experience of one or more symptoms, such as the above only, not someone have a brain tumor or cancer. Needs to be done to ensure direct examination by a specialist doctor (surgical) and nerve examination continued as CT scan, MRI, angiogram, myelogram, Spinal tap, and biopsy. - source :